Kelly's Blog
It was over 6 months ago when I had the pleasure of meeting the ever so talented Dave for the first time at the "Telstra Road To Discovery" bootcamp in Sydney. Dave was last year's worthy winner of the competition in the songwriting category.
Now Dave is coming to Adelaide for a solo show and I have the pleasure of performing an opening set for him at the Grace Emily on Thursday the 16th May from 9pm! Hope to see you there!!
Performing back in my home town at the fabulous Barmera Main Street Markets on Sunday the 6th of May at 11am.
Come on down, its worth a trip to Barmera!! 
A double bill consisiting of the angelic voice and mesmerising performance of Mary Webb, and a set from yours truely.
Come join us at the Wheaty on Saturday 5th May for a tasty beverage and some great music!
I'm pleased to be returning to the beautiful Mt Compass Supper Club at the town hall on Friday the 4th of May.
Doors open at 7:30pm and $10 tickets are available for pre-purchase from the Mt Compass Newsagency or by phoning (08) 8556 8444.
On the 29th of April Banrock Station are having the first of the "Long Lunches" and I'm rather happy to say I'll be there to provide some light entertainment on the day! :D
For more information on the event or to book at table at Banrock please contact the cellar door on (08) 8583 0299.
Rather excited about this upcoming visit to Melbourne to open the show for the incredible Monique Brumby and her fab band!
Its been a good 12 months since i last performed in Melbourne so I'm looking forward to having a sing for some music loving Melbournians.
The show is on Friday the 27th of April at the Lomond Hotel (225 Nicholson St) in East Brunswick, starts at 9pm and its free entry!
hope you can make it!!
Posted by Kelly on March 27 2012
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