Small Dreams - Out Now Kelly Menhennett

Kelly's Blog

Bluebird Cafe - 2013 Americana Festival

I am extremely thrilled to be returning to Nashville this year to once again perform at the Sounds Australia showcases at the fabulous Americana Festival!!

My first showcase will be at the iconic Bluebird Cafe where i'll be sitting alongside other talented Aussies on stage - Tracy Bunn, Anne McCue and Paul Kelly!

here are the show details in case you happen to be in Nashville....

Bluebird Cafe, 4104 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN. 

ph. +1 615-383-1461
9-10pm, bookings essential.

I owe a massive thank you to Arts SA who I have received funding from to make this trip to the US possible!

Arts SA logo

I also owe a massive thank you to the fabulous Dobe Newton and the Sounds Australia team for their help in making this all possible.

Sounds Australia logo

Posted by Kelly on July 08 2013
Past Shows  

2013 TRTD Adelaide Heat

Its that time of year again, the Telstra Road To Discovery performer heat is happening on August 8th at the Adelaide Uni Bar. Performing for the opportunity to move through to the opportunity to attend the TRTD boot-camp and perform at the semi-final will be 6 of SA's best emerging performers/singer-songwriters.

Special guest performances by Bob Evans, 2012 Songwriter winner Melody Pool, Adelaide singer/songwriter Courtney Robb, myself and mc'd by Ella Hooper (Killing Heidi, The Verses).

For those singer/songwriters/performers who would like to perform at the heat, entries close on Thursday July 18th.

Posted by Kelly on July 08 2013
Past Shows  

The Anchorage 6th August

Returning to the beautiful Anchorage in Victor Harbour to perform on August 6th at 6:30pm.

There's a cosy wood fire, delish food/drink, i'll be serenading you... and its free entry!!

Posted by Kelly on July 08 2013
Past Shows  

Telstra Road To Discovery - entries now open!

As i mentioned in an earlier post Telstra Road To Discovery program for this year was recently launched in Sydney to a crowd of industry and media at The Standard.

Over the coming months there are will be a number of heats held around the country for the Performer category, and online entry for the Songwriter category.

So if you think you know someone who has great musical skills but needs help to take the next step in the industry please encourage them to pop in an entry for the Telstra Road To Discovery. The program was a massive catalyst to helping me to develop my networks and develop as a musician... I certainly wouldn't be where i am without my involvement!

Visit the website for more info:

Telstra Road To Discovery

Posted by Kelly on July 08 2013

FREE song download plus some BIG news!


Long time no speak! I hope this email finds you well. Gosh lots has happened since we last chatted but rather than a long winded story (my specialty) I'll try to be brief...

I write to you today bearing a gift! A FREE download of one of my new tracks, Back For More which was recorded live in Tamworth at the CMAA Academy. To download the track 
click on the this link here or on the picture below

Please feel free to pass on the link to friends!

You just need to pop in your email address and with a couple clicks you'll be listening to my track. You'll notice there's an option of leaving a tip - this is not necessary to download the track (unfortunately i wasn't able to set my suggested tip on the website to "$0") but of course any tip will be put towards funding my upcoming project...

Which brings me to my next big news, I will be heading into the studio later this year to record my 2nd full length album.... (FINALLY i hear you say!)...and i'll be doing it in Nashville, of course!!! smile I'll be recording with the incredibly talented producer/musician/songwriter Neilson Hubbard. I met Neilson in Nashville last year when I visited for the Americana Festival and had the honour of writing with Neilson & Grammy nominated Kim Richey who's last few albums have bern produced by Neilson. Whilst in Nashville I'll also be showcasing again at the Americana Festival! Hooley dooley I'm excited! 
I have been saving my hard earned cents for a while to fund this project (and continue to) but recently I was thrilled learn that I was the lucky recipient of 
Arts SA funding to contribute to the recordings and my Nashville showcasing!! It is a massive deal to have received this funding amongst a highly competitive group of applications so I am extremely grateful to Arts SA for their support....thanks so much Arts SA!!! 
I'll be spending all of September in the studio and anticipate the new album to be released early 2014 so stay tuned for updates!

In other news, the Telstra Road To Discovery program for this year was launched in Sydney last week with special guest Pete Murray, MC'd by Ella Hooper, current winners Gena Rose Bruce and Melody Pool, and past winners Andrew Redford and myself.
If you know a singer/songwriter/performer who could benefit from giving the Telstra Road To Discovery a go send them to the TRTD website where they can apply now...
I'll leave you with a happy snap of us all on stage....
hope you're well!
chow for now,
kel xx

P.S I've got some exciting performance news for later in the year! For the first time ever I'll be performing at this years Fleurieu Folk Festival with my band! I will be home just in time to shake off the jet lag from my US adventure and hit the stage at Willunga so I'm super excited about sharing some tales and some new songs with festival goers. 
For more info about the festival visit this link:

Posted by Kelly on July 03 2013


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Small Dreams

Kelly's highly anticipated 2nd album, the award-winning,
alt-country/soul "Small Dreams" was recorded live in Mr Lemon's
studio Nashville with producer Neilson Hubbard and an all-star band.

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World of Mine

Kelly's velvet vocals will lead a band of fine musicians,
presenting a mix of heart warming stories and toe-tapping
tunes, blending folk, roots and gypsy/jazz.

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